East Windsor, CT Police Department announces The East Windsor Police Cadet program is up and running with currently 12 Cadets – and we have room for more!

This past Sunday, our Cadets participated in a forum about the transition from Cadet (or entry level applicant) to Police Officer with SRO Valencia and Deputy Chief Murphy. Many were surprised at the lengthy process and steps necessary to go from start to finish. The training wrapped up with a discussion on the “general” day of a Patrol Officer.
In the coming month, our Cadets will travel to our neighboring town of Windsor to observe (and eventually participate in) a Cadet Stations Day.
If anyone is interested in joining the EWPD program, or merely wants to stop in and observe a session – they are more than welcome to come! We regroup ever other Sunday at 1800-1900 at PD headquarters. Our next session takes place on January 12th, 2025.
25 School St, East Windsor, CT 06088
(860) 292-8240