Information provided by  East Windsor Youth Basketball Supporter and Volunteer Coach Nicole Paradise-
 Nicole provide us with the following:
Calling all local small business owners in the Town of East Windsor and surrounding towns!
I would like to ask local small business owners to please consider being a sponsor for East Windsor Youth Basketball (EWYB) this year.
Our son Richie & daughter Chloé are playing on the PreK and 2nd grade teams. I will be volunteering as coach for Richie’s team (with help from my husband RJ as the assistant coach when time permits) and we could really use your support!
If you could please let us know by this Saturday, December 21st, it would be greatly appreciate it.
Please see Sponsor Information below from the EWYB leader Ted Szymanski.
Thank you for your consideration.
Happy Holidays!
Nicole Paradise
INFO/Letter From Ted:
Several have sponsored their child’s team this season.
We would like to thank you for your support
We are in need of additional sponsors. If you would like to sponsor, please provide the same information.
Sponsorship is $100 and can be submitted on-line through East Windsor Parks & Rec
Payment can be submitted to the EW Parks &Rec Office, 25 School St (Town Hall Annex) and online at
Thank you.
East Windsor Youth Basketball:
Ted Szymanski
 Also Stephanie Rodrigue & Jeff Rodrigue