Great Fun
Bring Your Brochures.cards etc to swap with others- Light refreshments served=Presented by State Reps, Davis, Hall. Zawistowski, Storms & Stokes. RSVP by 3/27

Bring Your Business Cards,Your warmest Handshake and Your Biggest Smile and Join in the Fun with members of the East Windsor Chamber of Commerce.
CO-Hosted by Oxi Fresh Carpet Cleaning & Windsor Federal Savings -See Flyer- RSVP requested to 860 478 8057 or [email protected]
EW After Hours_032917 or visit http://www.windsorfederal.com or http://www.oxifresh.com/locations/ct
This Community /Family Fun Event is always a Great Time- Call today for tickets and how you can be part of the Trivia!
Farmers & General Public are invited to attend this yearly event where the state of the Town’s Agriculture is discussed. Light refreshments & Coffee.
Going to be great Fun as The Ct Trolley Museum opens for the Season with Live Music and samplings from Broad Brook Brewing,Joe’s Fine Wine & Spirits Lost Acres Vineyard and More.
see http://www.ct-trolley.org for more info or call for cost and operating times and special events.

Great family Fun
This Breakfast with Scrambled Eggs, Pancakes,Sausage,Hash browns, Apple Pie and Dee’s Famous Homemade Pies> This Breakfast benefits the Activities and Charities of East Windsor Lions Club.

Come and Join the Planning of this Years Community Day- Be part of the discussion and even be part of the Votes. This Town Annual event is operated by Volunteers who range from resident,Business person,Community Groups and more- (And we can always use some help-Youngsters in EW High can come and add hours to their Community Service.
This Year the plan is to be even better with More Food Trucks,Vendors and Activities for the Entire Community.
Vendor Booths are still $25 for a Business and FREE to Community Groups(great Fundraising venue.
Corporate Sponsors are Welcome as while this a Town program no funding from the Town.
For more info to sign up as a Vendor, Sponsor, or to march in the Parade please email Them. (working on a shorter
Pancakes, Sausage,Fruit,Juice,Milk & Coffee. Bring Your camera as Easter Bunny will be stopping by for Photos with You!- Event benefits the East Windsor Rotary Club.
Please Join us as we discuss the Town’s Economic Future and More-