Postpone- New Date TBA

Opera House Players
Postponed _New Date TBA .
Richards Realty invites you to attend the “East Windsor Citizen of the Year 2017 Celebration” presented by East Windsor Rotary Club. Tickets may be purchased at The dam Restaurant or Joe’s Fine Wine & Spirits or any EW Rotarian.
Be a Star in Opera House Players upcoming production of ANNIE.
See complete details at Website
June 17th is auditions for Child 6-13
June 18th & 19th for adults
June 22nd Callbacks
Green Fees are FREE for Dads with a paying Family member_Tee Times Required.
Great Family Fun and Dad Rides free as well as a Tour of Behind the Scenes at Museum-Bring a Picnic lunch and be sure to Visit the Gift Shop
Please Join State Reps. Chris Davis & Carol Hall for a Post Legislative Update. Great opportunity to ask ?s.

Rep Davis at Joint EWCC &CBIA Legislative Breakfast

Rep Hall at Joint EWCC & CBIA Legislative Breakfast