NCCCC’s 56th Home & Product Show @ Enfield Square
Apr 5 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

The East Windsor Chamber of Commerce is pleased to support (via our Calendar) The North Central Connecticut Chamber of Commerce 56th Annual NCCCC Home & Product Show is Saturday, April 5 (9am-5pm) & Sunday, April 6 (10am-3pm) at Enfield Square. “Chambers working together for the Benefit of Our Members and Communities”.

HARVEST & RUST – A Neil Young Experience @ Broad Brook Opera House
Apr 5 @ 6:00 pm – 10:45 pm

HARVEST & RUST – A Neil Young Experience

Saturday, April 5, 2025 – 8:00 PM EST

HARVEST & RUST – A Neil Young Experience returns to BROAD BROOK OPERA HOUSE in Broad Brook, CT with an all-new show and set list…but all of Neil’s hits.

From Crazy Horse to all of your acoustic favorites.

It’s hard to represent the wide-array of Neil Young’s influential material in one show, but that’s exactly what the band HARVEST & RUST does. Based in Western Massachusetts, the core members of HARVEST & RUST often augment their show with other well-known local musicians to reproduce every era of Neil Young’s music. Be it the chart-topping HARVEST material (including Old Man, Heart of Gold, etc.) to the electric explorations of RUST NEVER SLEEPS (Hey Hey My My, etc.), as well as songs from Neil’s time in Crosby Stills Nash & Young and Buffalo Springfield, you’re in for a night of “complete Neil”.

HARVEST & RUST members are Matt Cahill, Andy Gordon, John Kiernan, Garrett Lechowski and Jim Reynolds.


Doors 6:00pm

Music 8:00pm

Furry Friends Photos with Easter Bunny @ See Info Below
Apr 6 @ 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Grand Opening Celebration of Heavenly Nutrition @ Heavenly Nutrition
Apr 9 @ 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Grand Opening Celebration with a Ribbon Cutting at 4pm by 1st Selectman Jason Bowsza- All are Invited to Attend. Tasty Tidbits provided.

Max Creek! 54th Creekiversary Creekend! (2 Nights) @ Broad Brook Opera House
Apr 11 @ 6:00 pm – 10:30 pm

 Night #1 April 11, 2025!

Friday, April 11, 2025 – 8:00 PM EST


In those rare instances that a band reaches its fifth decade, it’s usually a result of stardom. It’s easy enough to keep things together when each member has a jet and techs on retainer and the world tour rolls around every few years. But that’s not how Max Creek has done it. In 40+ years Max Creek has been small, big, regionally-huge, medium, and any other size one can think of; they’ve never graced the cover of Rolling Stone, but you’d be hard pressed to find a music fan in the Northeast that hadn’t heard of them.

Well then, how’d they do it?

If you knew Max Creek you’d answer simply, “they just did.” Creek lacks pretense; there is no hip style or genre-title that can define them. From the beginning they’ve mixed anything they liked—rock, country, reggae, soul, jazz, calypso—in with their own great songs and it’s all just come out sounding like Creek. As such they’ve never been the hot item in the flavor-of-the-year club yet they’ve also never gone out of style. Moreover, Creek exudes confidence but lacks ego; each member is an incredible musician but that’s never been what it was about.

But that is all things Creek is not, and what Creek is is far more important. The band is certainly joyous, and their stage is full of smiles and laughter, both during and between songs. All one has to do is glance into the crowd to see that the feeling is contagious. Creek is also much more engaging than the average band, sculpting lengthy shows on-the-fly from their 200+ song catalog with rockers, ballads, deep jams and crowd sing-alongs all tucked into their perfect places. And Creek is, most definitely, a family. 40-odd years in, the audience is a multi-generational stew; it’s not uncommon to witness old-school Creek Freeks getting down with their teenage (or older!) kids.

Creek itself is multigenerational. Though the “front line” of guitarist Scott Murawski, keyboardist Mark Mercier and bassist John Rider has remained intact since the mid-70s, the current drums and percussion team of Bill Carbone and Jamemurrell Stanley weren’t even born when Max Creek was founded.

Doors 6:00pm

Music 8:00pm


Night #2 April 12, 2025!

Saturday, April 12, 2025 – 8:00 PM EST

Doors 6:00pm

Music 8:00pm

Breakfast with Easter Bunny 2025 @ East Windsor Senior Services
Apr 12 @ 8:30 am – 11:30 am
Come out and enjoy a delicious breakfast and a visit from the Easter Bunny presented by East Windsor Parks & Recreation. Breakfast will consist of Pancakes, Sausage, Fruit, Juice, Milk and Coffee. Pay at the door! No tickets required. Fee: $3 per child $6 per adult.
A special visit from the Easter Bunny is planned so bring those cameras. Donations will be accepted and a raffle will take place to benefit our Camper Scholarship program.
If you would like to donate a basket for the raffle or become a placemat sponsor, please call Parks and Rec at 860-627-6662 to arrange.
Nail Trim Clinic @ Naturally Dogs & Cats
Apr 12 @ 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Spring Makers Market @ Sonnys Place
Apr 12 @ 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm

 Welcome to our Whimsical Spring Craft Fair!

Join us for a delightful day filled with creativity, community, and local treasures! Shop from a curated selection of talented small businesses, offering unique handmade goods, from stunning jewelry to charming home decor.
Plus, sip on refreshing wine  and nibble on delicious snacks while you explore.
It’s the perfect way to support local artisans, find one-of-a-kind pieces, and enjoy the lively spring vibes. Whether you’re shopping for yourself or a gift, there’s something for everyone.
Mark your calendars and bring your friends for a fun, laid-back afternoon of supporting local, sipping, and shopping!
Vendors will be located inside Sonnys Place North Pavilion.
** This is a Free Event to Attend.
Other sponsors include The Vine Cottage, Let Me Know Baking & The Wycked Cauldron 
Max Creek! 54th Creekiversary Creekend! (2 Nights) @ Broad Brook Opera House
Apr 12 @ 6:00 pm – 10:30 pm

 Night #1 April 11, 2025!

Friday, April 11, 2025 – 8:00 PM EST


In those rare instances that a band reaches its fifth decade, it’s usually a result of stardom. It’s easy enough to keep things together when each member has a jet and techs on retainer and the world tour rolls around every few years. But that’s not how Max Creek has done it. In 40+ years Max Creek has been small, big, regionally-huge, medium, and any other size one can think of; they’ve never graced the cover of Rolling Stone, but you’d be hard pressed to find a music fan in the Northeast that hadn’t heard of them.

Well then, how’d they do it?

If you knew Max Creek you’d answer simply, “they just did.” Creek lacks pretense; there is no hip style or genre-title that can define them. From the beginning they’ve mixed anything they liked—rock, country, reggae, soul, jazz, calypso—in with their own great songs and it’s all just come out sounding like Creek. As such they’ve never been the hot item in the flavor-of-the-year club yet they’ve also never gone out of style. Moreover, Creek exudes confidence but lacks ego; each member is an incredible musician but that’s never been what it was about.

But that is all things Creek is not, and what Creek is is far more important. The band is certainly joyous, and their stage is full of smiles and laughter, both during and between songs. All one has to do is glance into the crowd to see that the feeling is contagious. Creek is also much more engaging than the average band, sculpting lengthy shows on-the-fly from their 200+ song catalog with rockers, ballads, deep jams and crowd sing-alongs all tucked into their perfect places. And Creek is, most definitely, a family. 40-odd years in, the audience is a multi-generational stew; it’s not uncommon to witness old-school Creek Freeks getting down with their teenage (or older!) kids.

Creek itself is multigenerational. Though the “front line” of guitarist Scott Murawski, keyboardist Mark Mercier and bassist John Rider has remained intact since the mid-70s, the current drums and percussion team of Bill Carbone and Jamemurrell Stanley weren’t even born when Max Creek was founded.

Doors 6:00pm

Music 8:00pm


Night #2 April 12, 2025!

Saturday, April 12, 2025 – 8:00 PM EST

Doors 6:00pm

Music 8:00pm

Furry Friends Photos with Easter Bunny @ See Info Below
Apr 13 @ 11:00 am – 2:00 pm