East Windsor Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting
August 13th -11am
Performance Kars Unlimited
5 Stoughton Road(behind 7-11 RTE 5) East Windsor CT 06088
Agenda –
1) Welcome President Paul Vella
2) Treasurers Report- Treasurer Robin Myers
3) Executive Directors Report- Jimbo Richards
a) Annual Report-to be published August 15th
b) Monthly Expenses for New Location
c) Legislative Breakfast with TVCA Sept
d) Membership Updates
4) Election of new Board members PPresident Paul Vella
5) Discussion of Casino Project and Economic Development Items
6) Other business
There still is time to join the monthly book club at the Warehouse Point Library! We have copies of this month’s title available at the circulation desk. Come for the conversation and the dessert!
Put your building skills to the test and compete in a LEGO Contest during your visit building Trains or Trolleys from the past and future. The contest is geared for ages 4-12 and every week will be a different theme. Winners will be awarded prizes in three age categories, and participants need not be present to win. Creations stay at the Museum to be broken down at the end of the day. LEGO contest included with admission. Adults $11, Children ages 4-11 $8, 3 and under Free and Museum members half off
Dress up as your favorite Super Hero or Princess and join us for a fun memorable day. Spider-Man and Ariel will be roaming the grounds from 11am-2pm and face painting will be held from 11am-3pm with the Museum staying open until 4:30pm.
Dress up as your favorite Super Hero or Princess and join us for a fun memorable day. Spider-Man and Ariel will be roaming the grounds from 11am-2pm and face painting will be held from 11am-3pm with the Museum staying open until 4:30pm.cars and artifacts and a gift shop to buy that ‘special’ souvenir. On the same grounds is the Connecticut Fire Museum complete with antique fire trucks and apparatus. All activities and Fire Truck Museum entrance is included with your admission price. For the convenience of all, food and refreshments will be available for purchase.
Admission prices are $13 for Adults, $12 for Seniors (62+), Children (ages 4-12) $11, children (ages 3 & under) $4 and Museum Members are half off. The Museum is open from 10am-4:30pm, for more information visit www.ct-trolley.org or call 860-627-6540

Annual Full Moon Paddle
The Public is invited to THE ANNUAL EVENING / FULL MOON PADDLE for canoes and kayaks on the Scantic River sponsored by the Scantic River Watershed Association on Saturday AUGUST 17th at the Somers Mill Pond in Somers, CT. The pond is located on School Street in Somers, CT off of route 190 in the Somersville section of Somers.
According to “The Farmers Almanac” the August moon is known as the Sturgeon Moon – since sturgeon a very large fish was most readily caught during the time of the full moon. We will probably not see any sturgeon but we should be able to see native fish and wildlife during the trip.
Registration for the paddle will begin at 6:00 pm. The full moon paddle will start around 7:15 pm as the sun will set at approximately 7:45 pm that night.
This paddle is open to the general public and there is no fee involved. The SRWA is asking all participants to donate a non perishable food item to benefit the various area Food Shelfs. All participants must supply their own canoe or kayak, paddles, PFD’S and flash lights. Glow sticks will be provided while supplies last
The paddle will be a leisurely trip up through the Mill Pond area and into a short section of the Scantic River above the Route 190 Bridge, then back to the dam area at the Mill Pond under the Sturgeon Moon.
Website @ www.srwa.org
Mike Dynia – 860-745-9986, 860-573-6620 or [email protected]
Dress up as your favorite Super Hero or Princess and join us for a fun memorable day. Spider-Man and Ariel will be roaming the grounds from 11am-2pm and face painting will be held from 11am-3pm with the Museum staying open until 4:30pm.
Dress up as your favorite Super Hero or Princess and join us for a fun memorable day. Spider-Man and Ariel will be roaming the grounds from 11am-2pm and face painting will be held from 11am-3pm with the Museum staying open until 4:30pm.cars and artifacts and a gift shop to buy that ‘special’ souvenir. On the same grounds is the Connecticut Fire Museum complete with antique fire trucks and apparatus. All activities and Fire Truck Museum entrance is included with your admission price. For the convenience of all, food and refreshments will be available for purchase.
Admission prices are $13 for Adults, $12 for Seniors (62+), Children (ages 4-12) $11, children (ages 3 & under) $4 and Museum Members are half off. The Museum is open from 10am-4:30pm, for more information visit www.ct-trolley.org or call 860-627-6540
Stories come alive for children when they are read to aloud! Beginning Monday, June 24th and every Monday during the summer at 11am & 1PM enjoy storytime inside one of our operating trolleys. When the story is over you will be treated to a 3 mile round trip trolley ride. Adults $11, Children ages 4-11 $8, 3 and under $4 and Museum members half off. For those who purchase an admission ticket for storytime will receive 10% off in the gift shop.
Put your building skills to the test and compete in a LEGO Contest during your visit building Trains or Trolleys from the past and future. The contest is geared for ages 4-12 and every week will be a different theme. Winners will be awarded prizes in three age categories, and participants need not be present to win. Creations stay at the Museum to be broken down at the end of the day. LEGO contest included with admission. Adults $11, Children ages 4-11 $8, 3 and under Free and Museum members half off