Bring your gently used clothes shoes household items for donation (Tax Deduction slips provided.)
Book sale to benefit The Library M-W 10a-8pm TH-Sat 10a-5p Presented by the Friends of Warehouse Point Library Association.
Get Legislative Updates on Issues facing Seniors in CT from State Reps Davis & Hall.
Presented by The East Windsor Police Dept to benefit the Special Olympics. Gonna be a Great Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner for the Irish in all of us.
Why is Nutrition Important-2pm Guest Speaker Mary Margaret Horan RD CD/N Registered Certified Dietitian
Are You on too many medications- 6pm Angela Ryan PharmD PPh,Consultant pharmacist,Omnicare.
Light refreshments Served/Raffle Prizes.

Great Fun
Bring Your etc to swap with others- Light refreshments served=Presented by State Reps, Davis, Hall. Zawistowski, Storms & Stokes. RSVP by 3/27

Bring Your Business Cards,Your warmest Handshake and Your Biggest Smile and Join in the Fun with members of the East Windsor Chamber of Commerce.
CO-Hosted by Oxi Fresh Carpet Cleaning & Windsor Federal Savings -See Flyer- RSVP requested to 860 478 8057 or
EW After Hours_032917 or visit or
This Community /Family Fun Event is always a Great Time- Call today for tickets and how you can be part of the Trivia!