Come and Join the East Windsor Chamber of Commerce we Celebrate our 2017 Business of the Year- Windsor Federal Savings

2017 EW Business of the Year
The evening will feature Heavy Hors’Derves (cash bar),door prize, etc. as well as the “Celebration” and election of EWCC Officers.
The Maine Fish Market is looking forward to helping provide and enjoyable evening.
Don’t forget to RSVP _ [email protected]
All are welcome to participate in the discussion of Economic and Business in East Windsor-
Postpone- New Date TBA

Opera House Players
Postponed _New Date TBA .
Richards Realty invites you to attend the “East Windsor Citizen of the Year 2017 Celebration” presented by East Windsor Rotary Club. Tickets may be purchased at The dam Restaurant or Joe’s Fine Wine & Spirits or any EW Rotarian.