East Windsor will take part in the Wreaths across America ceremony on Saturday, December 16, 2017 at 12:00 PM at the East Windsor Veterans Cemetery adjacent to the Windsorville Cemetery on Windsorville Road. The East Windsor Veterans Commission is planning this local ceremony which will run in conjunction with many other wreath-laying ceremonies throughout the United States. American Legion Post 40 will provide an honor guard. Light refreshments will be served at the Windsorville Church after the ceremony. This event is provided by the East Windsor Veterans Commission.
Maneeleys 6th annual Breakfast with Santa. Come enjoy Breakfast, Christmas music, Crafts and a complimentary 4×6 picture with Santa. Admission for all children 12 years old and under is an unwrapped toy, which will be donated to the homeless shelters of Greater Hartford. Adult admission is $12 paid in advance. Seats are limited and available on a first come first serve basis. Tickets are not refundable.
(East Windsor Chamber members are invited due to membership of EWCC in the TVCA)
The Windsor Chamber of Commerce will be holding a Business After Hours event on Wednesday, January 10th hosted by Bart’s Drive In and the Beanery located at 55 Palisado Ave in Windsor from 5:30 to 7:00 pm.
Enjoy refreshments, a raffle and networking with other Chamber members and regional business people an hear about this historic restaurant that’s been in Windsor for over 60 years.
This networking event is free to Windsor Chamber, TVCA and Metro Hartford Chamber members. Admission is $5.00 for non-chamber members. RSVP by January 8th by phone 860-688-5165 or online at www.WindsorCC.org/RSVP. Don’t miss this opportunity to promote your business and learn more about the business community around you.
The Friends of the Warehouse Point Library are hosting an author presentation and book signing on Wednesday January 10 at 6 pm (to approx 7:30)..The author is Mark Dressler, a native of Hartford.His first published mystery novel is also set in Hartford , Dead and Gone...For more information please call the library at 860-623-5482