..The Friends of the Warehouse Point Library will be holding a “Bag a Book Sale” November 18th thru Thurs November 30 th..the sale will be ongoing when the library is open…Library hours are M-W 10 am-8 pm…Thurs-Sat 10 am-5 pm..except for Thurs Nov 23 (Thanksgiving). Each bag of books is $6 …and you fill it with as many books as possible ..but if you already have a Friends of Warehouse point library bag (yellow mesh) the cost is only $5 ..
Annie is coming to the Opera House Players stage this November! Annie opens on Nov 10th and runs through Dec 3rd. Tickets are available now. Call our box office at (860)-292-6068 or visit our website at www.operahouseplayers.org! Also, the Opera House Players are partnering with the East Windsor police in their toy drive. Bring a new, unwrapped toy to any performance of Annie and receive a ticket for a free popcorn!
Annie is coming to the Opera House Players stage this November! Annie opens on Nov 10th and runs through Dec 3rd. Tickets are available now. Call our box office at (860)-292-6068 or visit our website at www.operahouseplayers.org! Also, the Opera House Players are partnering with the East Windsor police in their toy drive. Bring a new, unwrapped toy to any performance of Annie and receive a ticket for a free popcorn!
Annie is coming to the Opera House Players stage this November! Annie opens on Nov 10th and runs through Dec 3rd. Tickets are available now. Call our box office at (860)-292-6068 or visit our website at www.operahouseplayers.org! Also, the Opera House Players are partnering with the East Windsor police in their toy drive. Bring a new, unwrapped toy to any performance of Annie and receive a ticket for a free popcorn!
Annie is coming to the Opera House Players stage this November! Annie opens on Nov 10th and runs through Dec 3rd. Tickets are available now. Call our box office at (860)-292-6068 or visit our website at www.operahouseplayers.org! Also, the Opera House Players are partnering with the East Windsor police in their toy drive. Bring a new, unwrapped toy to any performance of Annie and receive a ticket for a free popcorn!
Annie is coming to the Opera House Players stage this November! Annie opens on Nov 10th and runs through Dec 3rd. Tickets are available now. Call our box office at (860)-292-6068 or visit our website at www.operahouseplayers.org! Also, the Opera House Players are partnering with the East Windsor police in their toy drive. Bring a new, unwrapped toy to any performance of Annie and receive a ticket for a free popcorn!
Our Local Geisslers is located 98 Bridge Street but there is stores though out the area
Please Join us as we gathered together to celebrate the Holidays.
Carol ling could happen. Refreshments Door prizes.
.Also drop event for Our Members are running Toys for Tots Program (Unwrapped)
Holiday Social Sponsors:
Geisslers Supermarkets
Burger King
Main Street Grille;
Hartford Toner
Asnuntuck Community College
Richards Realty LLC
Also the East Windsor Chamber is assisting Our Member Edward Jones Financial Services (Sophias Plaza)and Windsor Federal Savings(Shoham RD) are collecting/droppoints for USMC Reserve Toys For Tots by urging Our EWCC Members to Bringing Your Donation That Night.(email the Chamber and we will pick up).
Windsor Federal Savings
Rress Release from:
East Windsor Edward Jones Office Supports “Toys For Tots Drive”
Tricia Rapacki, the local Edward Jones financial advisor, is supporting the US Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots program by using her office as a drop-off location for this year’s toy drive.
Local residents may help needy children in the area by bringing in a new, unwrapped toy to the office, at Sofia’s Plaza at 122 Propect Hill Rd, during regular business hours beginning todaythrough December 15.
“With the holiday season around the corner, we are all getting ready for the festivities,” Triciasaid. “And as this is the season of giving, now is a great time to remember the less fortunate in our community.”
Edward Jones, a Fortune 500 company headquartered in St. Louis, provides financial services in the U.S. and, through its affiliate, in Canada. Every aspect of the firm’s business, from the investments its financial advisors offer to the location of its branch offices, caters to individual investors. The firm’s 15,000-plus financial advisors serve more than 7 million clients and care for $1 trillion in assets under management. Visit the firm’s website at www.edwardjones.com and its recruiting website at www.careers.edwardjones.com. Member SIPC.