New Computers and Services are now available at the Library Association of Warehouse Point, East Windsor, CT.

The Library has received a CT state PEGPETIA grant for new technology.

More computers and monitors for patrons and new computers for some staff, two children’s computers, and two learning stations on a new counter will provide access to the internet and essential digital library resources for East Windsor residents and new opportunities to increase digital literacy for their children.

A new copier for public use will provide scanning, color copies, and fax service.

Once the library is able to have meetings and programs again, a new projector with USB ports and wireless connections and new chairs will enable the library to present more and better audio and visual programs in a more comfortable community room.

In the small meeting room, a screen is available to Zoom with others or record meetings.  East Windsor residents will be better equipped to access, use, and share information electronically at their library.

The Warehouse Point Library is open to people wearing masks and social distancing.

Our new hours are:  Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Tuesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Library Association of Warehouse Point

107 Main Street

East Windsor, CT  06088
