Broad Brook Library since 1919 –
All Volunteer Library /No Library Card needed
The BBL is excited about Life Scout Billy Grant is working on His Eagle Scout Project is creating and installing a Handicap Ramp which will make the BBL Accessible to All.
Billy Grant has been designing and raising money for this ramp and so far been very successful. (parts of already been installed).
Now Billy is asking if You would consider donating to the completion of the Ramp and assisting Him to be one step closer to being an Eagle Scout of Our Local Troop 89.
Donations should be made payable to Troop 89 w/ memo box Billy Grant Eagle and mailed to:
Billy Grant
133 Melrose Road
Broad Brook Ct 06016
Billy Thanks all in advance for Their donations!
New Hours Broad Brook Library announced for the Winter:
Monday 2:00 – 5:00 pm
Wednesday 12:00 noon – 5:00 pm
Thursday 2:00 – 5:00 pm
Saturday 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
and any time the OPEN sign is lit up (the Home of the East Windsor Chamber of Commerce and the Staff is trained to assist You!)