Image may contain: possible text that says 'East Windsor STRONG'The Town of East Windsor continues to update it’s Resource Guide for Covid-19- The Guide contains Information from Labor, Taxes, Primaries to Whats Open (grocers.restaurants etc> Great Guide for the entire Community- the link is:

The EWCC is  publishing “Coming Soon/ Reopened” lists of Businesses every week in Our weekly Electronic newsletter “East Winds” with the lists as part of it.(reaches abiout 1800 each week-free subscription just email the Chamber with your email-we do not share or sell our list of emails for the East Winds)

At the Direction of the EWCC Board of Directors we will continue to have  this opportunity be Free and  Open to All Businesses in East Windsor and the Region without having Membership in the EWCC.

To have Your Business be part of the “Coming Soon /Reopened” list please email [email protected] the information in regards to your business,

If You have been Open or have Changed how you conduct your business operation feel free to forward that information as well to be added.

Lastly Updates from Government and Business can be found on our Face Book Page or visit .